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Agnitundi Vati

Agnitundi Vati

Yukti Herbs Agnitundi Vati | Strengthens Digestive System | Enhances Digestive Fire | Eliminates Toxins | Highly Recommended for Indigestion, Gastritis, Acidity, Low Appetite, Bloating, Constipation and Liver Disorders | Visible Results in 15 days |

Regular price Rs. 190.00
Regular price Rs. 190.00 Rs. 190.00
Tax included.

Key Benefits

✔ Improves Appetite
✔ Relieves Pancreatitis
✔ Prevents Intestinal Infections

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Agnitundi Vati is a classical ayurvedic preparation with herbs like Ajmoda (Apium graveolens), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Vibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Jeerak (Cuminum cyminum), Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), and Vidanga (Embelia ribes), etc. Ayurveda has promoted this classical formulation for ages for its digestive health-improving properties. All these herbs are very carminative and digestive in nature. They benefit in weak digestion, loss of appetite, bloating, gas formation and abdominal pain. Have these health conditions been stopping you from living life to the fullest?

We understand how big a part digestive health plays in one's well-being. Stop taking weak digestion or poor appetite casually. You don't have to change eating or living habits beyond comfort. Start taking Ayurveda products like Agnitundi Vati to solve the root cause of such issues.

Agnitundi Vati is an excellent remedy to improve digestion. This traditional formulation not only helps good digestion but also effectively detoxifies the body and is beneficial in Gout, Arthritis, and Joint pains. It proves effective in complex health issues which are generally caused due to excessive Aama (result of impaired digestion and metabolism).


• Each 500mg tablet contains - [As per the Ref. Book - Rastantra Siddhyoga Sar Sangraha] Page no. 405


Take 1-2 tablets twice daily or as prescribed by the physician.

Safety Info

Safety Info:
Follow the recommended dosage only.
Keep it safe and away from children.
Keep away from direct sunlight or heat.
Pregnant and lactating mothers should consult the doctor before consumption



1. How is Agnitundi Vati beneficial?

Agnitundi Vati is an excellent herbal remedy to help with weak digestion. It strengthens the digestive capability of the intestines. The ingredients help improve digestion and metabolism, which solves the accumulation of toxins.

2. Is Agnitundi Vati a Habit-forming medicine?

No, Agnitundi Vati is not a habit-forming medicine. One can use it on and off, depending on the situation. You can use it for 6 to 8 weeks to treat a weakened digestive system or frequent digestive issues.

3. Can we take Agnitundi Vati on an empty stomach or before or after food?

Consult with our Ayurveda experts to utilize its benefits properly. In some cases, our experts may suggest using it on an empty stomach or consider condition-specific options.

4. What is the chief indication of Agnitundi Vati?

The chief Indication of Agnitundi Vati is a low digestive fire.

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